Friday, November 03, 2006

Leaving on a Jet Plane!

November 3, 2006 - This is it! This is what I have been talking about for the past one and a half year!! In about 12 hours or so, I will be on a plane flying to Europe - the land of true culture, of amazing arts, music and architecture, of sexy accents, of neat fashion, of cute European boys with great fashion sense and sexy accents - the list goes on and on.

I'm definitely psyched about the trip - to the point where I'm more nervous now than excited. I really hope that the trip will go smoothly and that everything will go according to plan (or at least to semi-plan). I mean I don't expect things to be 100% the way I had planned out, but at least I hope we won't lose anything (including travel documents, money, tickets, etc), that we won't get mugged, that we won't get into an accident, and most importantly won't get bitten by bedbugs (I have been reading way too much about bedbugs in hotels).

Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Maybe I'm just excited. Whatever it is - I guess I will have to just take it as it comes.

Regardless, I'm sure I will have fun :) it will definitely be yet another experience that I will talk about for years to come. Hmm...I hope I didn't forget to pack anything - and most importantly, I hope my suitcase will still fit when I come back!

I have a feeling that we'll be hitting the internet cafes wherever we go - so maybe I'll even get a chance to update this blog (for the 4 people who read this)! I can't wait to share (or rant) my insights and thoughts when I return.

So this is it! I better get to bed! It will be a long day tomorrow!

So Europe here we come! =)

1 comment:

Bernarrrd said...

have a blast!