June 14, 2007 - Just when I was feeling very depressed about the TTC, it managed to surprise me again with the unveiling today of its latest public consultation on the plan to purchase a new fleet of light rail vehicles to replace our current streetcars. With a hip, youthful, flashy multi-media website "mynewstreetcar.ca", this is definitely not your ordinary public consultation meeting or open house. On the website (cleverly named Transfer to the Future) you can actually click through various pictures of both the current streetcar fleet and LRVs in other parts of the world and tell the TTC what you like or don't like about each one. Pretty cool way to speak your mind from the comfort of your own home (or office)!
What I especially liked is the awesome video that they've put together to advertise the site (see video at the bottom of the site). The video actually makes riding the TTC seem cool (not an easy task I tell you). The video should be on tv - and if it's reworked a bit (i.e. include more shots of buses, the subway and maybe even the RT), it could actually be part of a whole new advertising campaign to make the TTC more youthful and appealing (TTC marketing ppl: can you hear me?).
This is the 2nd time the TTC has impressed me with a new website in recent months (the first was their Transit City LRT Plan) - could this really the beginning of a new era in TTC marketing and public relations?
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