Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Today, We're All Chinese

May 20, 2008 - The devastating earthquake in Sichuan, China has been making headlines for over a week now. It's especially touching to see the reaction from Chinese around the world, who have banned together to raise millions for the hundred of thousands of earthquake victims in Sichuan. While I'm sure we are guilty of making Mainland Chinese stereotypes (they crouch all the time; their dirty washrooms; the way they talk loudly on the phone), it is great to see Chinese around the world being so patriotic to their home country.

As in all natural disasters, the young, the old, and the disadvantaged are the greatest victims. In this case, school children made up a large proportion of those killed. The lax building code, poor design, and corruption all probably played a role - but the scene of parents mourning their kids near the ruins of school buildings is heartbreaking.

Donate to the Earthquake Relief efforts at: http://www.redcross.ca/china512

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