Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Moving Plans - Again

May 16, 2006 - So I'm moving again! After some drama (which of course, involves my parents and an ugly experience with a possible landlady), I'm finally officially moving out my current apartment and into a smaller, more affordable, and in my opinion, much cleaner and nicer place.

In a way though, despite the cockroaches, the ants, and the dust, I have to admit that I learned to adjust to my current place. I'm not sure if I would use the term *like* to describe my feelings for it, but I definitely will always remember it. I will probably miss the direct access, snow-free subway connection the most!

But it's a new and exciting chapter - and I'm looking forward to making my new place a little bit "homey", which is what my current place lacks (and which probably explains why I never really got attached to it). And the $300+ that I will be saving will help finance my Europe trip!

So yay for a new apartment! :)

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