Friday, December 29, 2006

And that's how it ends

December 29, 2006 - There comes a time when you simply have to admit that something is over. There's no more thinking, no more analyzing, because at this particular time, no matter how much you want to hang on - the truth is it's over. And it's time to move on.

The sadness has slowly turned into disappointment. You just cannot understand how someone can simply cut you out of your life like that. And the disappointment will probably linger for a long time.

What do you do then? there really isn't much you can do except to look ahead. And what a great thing to do with the new year and all.

So let's start the countdown - no, not to the new year - but to B coming home!

1 comment:

Bernarrrd said...

I'll be home in three days, sweetie!!!