Friday, April 27, 2007

Making it big-time: Journal of Environmental Planning and Policy

April 27, 2007 - Today I found out that one of the papers that I wrote in grad school has been accepted by the Journal of Environmental Planning and Policy for publishing! Yup, yours truly here will actually have a paper that will be published by an academic journal!

Now the news is somewhat surprising to me - because 1) I didn't submit the paper and 2) I had no idea it was accepted until I got a weird email from the publisher asking how many copies of the journal I would like to have. The story goes back to my 2nd year of grad school, when one of my professors asked if I would like to work with her and send in a paper that I had worked on for her class for publishing. Months later though, the journal rejected our submission on the grounds that it didn't meet their criteria. My laziness then kicked in and I sorta just left the paper with my prof.

Apparently my professor re-worked the paper and resubmitted it (and tried hard to find me but didn't know how to contact me anymore). The paper was accepted with me being the primary author, and will be published in Volume 9, Issue 3 of the Journal of Environmental Planning and Policy!

So yay for having my work published!! and yay for making future grad students read my paper! haha come on, who doesn't want to learn more about the effectiveness of greenbelts as a planning tool? huh?


Louise said...

Wow! Congrats!!

Bernarrrd said...

can i read it? can i can i can i? pleaaase??? I'm gonna go buy a copy! lol, and can i read the draft you submitted prior to your prof's reworking of it? can i can i can i? pleaaaase??? Won't take no for an answer! SOOOO proud of you =D