Monday, April 02, 2007

Why riding the subway sucks (sometimes)

April 2, 2007 - I had a somewhat disturbing ride home tonight on the subway. I got on the subway at Union Station and right away this guy (who was already on the train) decided to move across from me. At first I didn't really notice him (I was too busy concentrating on my bacon and cheeseburger!) but when I looked up, I saw him drooling all over his jacket. Yes drooling. He kept his mouth wide open as spit dripped from his lips and all the way down the front of his jacket (which was soaked with his spit). Right away this girl who had been sitting 2 seats away got up and moved. I thought it was pretty gross too, but I didn't think too much about it and continued eating.

At Queen Station, he pulled out a can of paint thinner and started sniffing. The smell quickly filled the subway car and some people started to panic. A few got off the train. I was also highly aware that if he's a psycho, he could pull out a match and blow us all up. Again, being ever confident, I didn't move. The guy went back to drooling and by now, not only was his jacket soaked, so was the subway seat next to him. Pretty gross eh?

Just after St. Clair Station, the dude started to get restless. He started to get up, and then sat back down again. He grabbed his bag and then put it back down. By then, there was no one around him, except me of course (still sitting across from him). Then just as the doors closed at Davisville Station, the dude got up and lunged himself towards me (ok, maybe a bit dramatic - more like he got up, and couldn't really walk and just decided to fall right on top of me). And that was when the Olympic-athlete in me leaped out of my seat and moved towards the doors. I don't think I have ever moved so fast - though my bag still managed to touch his (eww). The guy, obviously high from the paint thinner, slumped into my seat and continued to drool. I must have caused a scene, as quite a few people were staring. But hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.

So yes riding the subway can be quite an experience - you definitely meet all kinds of people. Sometimes it could be fun (like this one time I played "I Spy With My Little Eye..." with a 3 year old boy all the way from Finch to Bloor), somtimes it could even be interesting (the subway is still great for people watching), but sometimes it simply sucks and you wish you're sitting in your car.

1 comment:

Bernarrrd said...

That is sooooooooooo gross... eww, I wonder if I've sat on his seat... *shivers*