Thursday, March 02, 2006

Sappy Movies

March 2, 2006 - Today went by pretty slowly. Work was awfully slow and then my friend Jerry called and I had to deal with his latest crisis. Initially there were plans for him to come over so we could talk, but he ended up being a no-show. No big deal I guess - so what did I do? I watched tv of course!

Thursday nights used to be the best night of the week for tv (remember those Must-See-TV days with Friends and Will and Grace, etc?). Now, Thursday nights suck. I don't care for Survivor; I would rather watch CSI on dvd; and I just can't sit through the entire hour of Skating with the Stars. So I was actually quite happy when I found the movie Sweet Home Alabama on! It was one of those movies that I've always wanted to see, but never got to.

The movie was quite funny (Reese Witherspoon was really good - but then again, I've always liked her). It was a total chick flick - and sadly, these days, I seem to watch more and more of them. Now I don't think it's pathetic that guys watch chick flicks, what is kinda pathetic was the fact that I started tearing up at the end of the movie. Out of nowhere, my eyes got watery and I felt like crying. I think it started right at the part where Reese's character, Melanie, told her fiance at her wedding that she couldn't marry him because "
The truth is I gave my heart away a long time ago, my whole heart, and I never really got it back." And then Melanie ran to find her still-not-yet-divorced husband, Jake, and told him "You're the first boy I ever kissed, Jake, and I want you to be the last."


There's more: Jake asked why Melanie she would want to be with him, to which Melanie replied: "So I could kiss you anytime I want..." (to which Jake had replied when Melanie asked him the same question when they were 10 years old).

Pass me the Kleenex box right there...

It was totally sappy - but for some reason it got to me. It's kinda..well...sad. I don't know what's wrong with me! I never used to get this sappy (this is the guy who wanted Dakota Fanning's character in War of the World to die so she would shut up). But lately, I don't know, the littlest thing would get to me: I teared up watching Clara Hughes and Cindy Klassen on the podium at the Olympics with the national anthem playing; I teared up reading this article about this kid who was abused by his grandparents and died in his cage; I even teared up watching those World Vision infomercials. Seriously, I need to get a grip.

Having said all this though, I have this urge to go out there and buy the "A Walk to Remember" dvd. I could re-read the book, but I think watching the dvd might help in satisfying this stupid pathetic need to watch sappy sad movies...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome! i love guys who are into sappy movies! I just finished watching The Notebook.. it was sooo good, even though i've seen in 10 times, it still gets to me. I was just looking through google for some good sappy movies, when i came across what you wrote. I give you props, for actually admitting that you cry during movies, most guys wouldn't have the guts. + i LOVE the movie A Walk To Remember, and Sweet Home Alabama. If your looking for some good sappy movies, you could try City Of Angels, Gone With The Wind, An Affair To Remember, Love Story, The Notebook, The Titanic(duh), Romeo and Juliette(duh), Say Anything..., Shakespear In Love.
Thanks for writing that article, i enjoyed reading it.