Monday, December 11, 2006

10 signs you're having an "off" day

December 11, 2006 - Ten signs that you're having an "off" day:

1. You wake up an hour later than you're supposed to and despite moving as fast as you could, you still leave the house at the same time when you should already be at work.
2. You look into the mirror and realize your eyes are (still) puffy, red and swollen.
3. The subway to work takes forever - literally "stop-and-go" from Eglinton to Bloor.
4. You nearly burst into tears because the subway is taking so long and you're now really late.
5. You feel pathetic because you nearly started crying in front of a subway car full of strangers.
6. You get to the streetcar stop but see no streetcar, so you decide to walk. You look back after half a block and see a streetcar sailing right past you.
7. You stare out at the window every 2 minutes and start daydreaming instead of putting together that slidedeck that is now overdue.
8. You show up at the wrong room for a meeting and don't realize it until 10 minutes later, despite the fact that you don't recognize anyone in the room and you have no idea what they're talking about.
9. You spend all afternoon working on a spreadsheet, just as you're about to save it, the network drive collapses.
10. You go home at the end of the night - and start worrying that tomorrow will be just like today.

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