Friday, December 15, 2006

Feeling Crappy - Part 9912

December 15, 2006 - It has been a long, tiring, emotionally draining, and just overall crappy week. I can't remember the last time that I have felt so bad for so long (perhaps during my undergrad "Organic Chemistry" days?). It's actually at the point now where I don't know what to say to anyone anymore. I'm not sure what to do and even worst, what to think. It's confusing and frustrating - and I'm THIS close to booking a ticket and flying somewhere to escape it all.

At least work has been extremely busy lately - which helps with taking my mind off things. Having said that, I can't remember how many times today I just stared out the window and let my mind wandered.

Christmas is in a week and starting this weekend, it looks like I will have to attend a few "mandatory" Christmas parties and celebrations - nearly all of them are work or family related. How I look forward to hanging around with a big group of people (half of them I don't really like or know anyway), smiling and chatting as if nothing's wrong and then come home and lock myself inside the four walls of my apartment!

Cheers to the start of the holiday season eh...

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